Bryan Comes to Korea (AKA That Time I Bought a Selfie Stick...)
The Baby Brosef, Bryan, traveled all the way from New York to come hangout with his Big Sis in Korea for a few weeks. Unlike some other friends (and family members,) he was brave enough to take on Asia and see what it had to offer. We hit the ground running, and I think by the end he was doing pretty well adapting to our lifestyle abroad.
Bryan was barely in Korea 24 hours, and we were already at the DMZ - the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. It was a fascinating, humbling, shocking, and eye-opening place to be.
During the tour, we were able to go down one of the tunnels that have been discovered where North Korea planned to invade the south. As we got deeper into the tunnel, they got shorter and more narrow, hence the hard hats.
There is actually a train station that has planned routes if North and South Korea ever re-open their borders. The departure times and tracks are even listed in the case that this happened tomorrow. It's a very eerie feeling being in a transportation hub that has never been used, but is still somewhat operating. It was like being in a ghost town.
Post-DMZ it was time for Korean classics - like a beer and burgers. Yes, I took him for plenty of Korean food after this...but when in Seoul, one must indulge in Western fare.
We decided to hike up to the Seoul Tower for sunset, however sometimes my sense of direction fails me and we didn't quite make it. Instead, we arrived just after sunset and got to see the city light up for the night!
When in Korea, attend a baseball game! Everyone cheers these organized chants and dances, you can bring your own food AND beer, and it's super cheap!
Our next stop in the Bryan tours Korea trip we went to Busan for a weekend by the beach.
We went to Gamcheon Culture Villiage which has beautifully painted houses against, what looks like, a painted sky. After several attempts at taking a group photo with the fabulous backdrop (and several terrible photographers cutting off our heads or missing the entire background) I caved. I purchased a selfie stick. It needed to be done. Don't judge me.
Well, I immediately started to abuse the selfie stick privilege and went on a rampage of selfies. I'll admit it - selfie sticks are fun. Plus look at that photo - entire group, village AND water in the background.
How do you get all of your friends + a giant fish mural in one photo? A selfie stick.
Later in the week, the glorious new addition to my electronic life accompanied us down by the river for a hilarious photoshoot among the flowers.
Quick, everyone do something "Korean"!
Bryan gets extra points for being one of the only friends coming to Asia to visit me!